
0 thoughts on “pillow

  1. Good after Easter morning… Easter Tide?, I woke and was brought to your insightful posts through a rabbitt hole search… I really enjoy your inspirational insights! Thank you and may you have blessings from beyond the blue horizon!

  2. I really loved the imagery as a lover of Three Dog Night and my high school era from 1969-1973 where spiritually inspired referenced songs were many! Thank you for the insight. Now I have bullfrogs on my mind!

  3. Follow His heart! Not mine, not the world’s. Wise words!

    Love the God before coffee theme (for me, it’s God with my coffee … otherwise, I drift back to sleep as I pray).

  4. Always enjoy hearing from you. Certainly do agree with you when you say this world is in a terrible state-perhaps a sign of the end times!

  5. This is so good! I pray that I will always cling to the hope that I only have in Christ. Satan is continually working all around me. He doesn’t rest and we can’t either. Please pray for me and my family! I have so many friends who are going through tremendous heartache and sickness. I love you. Thank you for sharing.

    1. We will be praying for you Jinger, and your friends and family. I pray you are strengthened by the knowledge that an army of prayer warriors is on your side! Love you so much! Looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  6. I really needed to hear that message this morning, thank you Tricia! You have started my day off with a good direction. God bless you and keep these articles coming!

  7. Tricia, I’m so blessed to have found this. God Bless you … he has certainly blessed My Family & I through yours.

    1. Dena! Oh, how wonderful to hear from you! I love you so much. I’m so happy you found me. You & your family have always been a blessing to mine. May God bless you all.

  8. The thought of me being in that cup brought tears to my eyes for me to be reminded IT WAS FOR ME HE DIED. The road to Calvary was the road to my Pardon!

      1. I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve missed you and the blessings I receive with every written word you write. God uses you beautiful girl. Keep on keeping on ♥️♥️

  9. Such a blessing to see how God has worked in your life over the years. I love and miss you, Hanks! On another note, that grandbaby is absolutely beautiful! I bet you and Daryll are over the moon.

    1. Thank you Carol! Miss you too. Darryl & I are in another galaxy altogether. Such a blessing. In fact I wrote most of this post while I was up with that little papoose from 11:30pm – 6:00am!

  10. I agree with you. It’s very very very important to listen to God’s voice when He speaks! I love your article and your story. God bless you more! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Janet! We miss you too. I feel blessed to have been able to spend a part of my life at your church and getting to know you and the other members of Palmyra. God is good! May He continue to bless you and the work at Palmyra.

  11. Trust as you walk the walk of faith to learn what the Lord has designed just for you. I have seen the hand of Jesus in two specific events in my work history. Also, needed to comment on the poem in the most recent post. Loved it. More poetry please…

  12. Absolutely beautiful. . . all I can say. Read it, then reread it, then read it again. Saving it, printing it. Its a keeper.

  13. This article is food for thought. . . In one sense, it seems we have always “categorized” our churches by stating the denomination. The beliefs of the denomination (persons like us) leads us to understand whether we wish to attend, and would “fit in”. This article causes me to reflect on whether it is right to identify denomination. On the other hand, we enter our walk with Jesus at all levels; so if a curious or shy cowboy feels an urge to attend church, will he not find a good starting place in a church made up of his peers? In fact, the cowboy’s friends may be asking him to come to church and know Jesus. I agree that extremism and over identifying with the subculture is not desirable and moves the focus from Jesus and that is never right. Lots to think about here. You make excellent points.

    1. I appreciate you, Pat. This article concerned me a little because I thought people would misunderstand me. Maybe they will, but my intentions are to unite not divide. Division is exactly what I believe a church established to only serve a specific subculture does. Good intentions should not excuse or pardon us from looking at things Scripturally, and assessing our actions through that lens. I think the idea of a subgroup church is at the “crawling” level of walking with Jesus, and when those people reach a more mature level they will come to understand the exclusionary nature of the name itself. Names matter, how church members treat each other matters, how they treat visitors matters, how the Word of God is treated matters. A church is the Bride of Christ and is to glorify God in every way. My prayer is for people to have that foremost in their hearts and minds for their own churches. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Good point of view.

  14. On point Jared ( hope you got the irony in that statement!) 😁 Seriously though, GREAT analogy as usual. You have a real gift from the Lord and will always be my favorite preacher! Love and miss you both!

    1. Lady Dianna! I had to stick my nose in here and say hello! I miss you SOOO much. I pray God has been good to you these past few months since we last met. How I miss fellowshipping with you. I’ll make sure Jared gets your comment. God Bless You dear sister!

  15. This was a wonderful story that made me cry. I know it wasn’t the whole story of his life, but it certainly was some of the most important and sweetest parts.

    1. It certainly is a blessing to hear his testimony and see how all the parts worked together to bring him to Jesus. Hearing what an important role my mom and Papaw had in his experience of grace reminded me that we can have the biggest impact on people’s lives, sometimes without even really knowing it. God bless you my dear!

  16. Love it! So many “details” of my cousin’s life I had never known. Thankful for Patsy and her family’s strong faith that resulted in John finding salvation and peace, along with another blessing being Tricia’s strong faith she shares with all who wish to read. .

  17. Merry Christmas!
    Love your personal stories.. And thinking about some of your stories, helped me allot this last year!
    Thx Tricia

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Pat! It fills my heart with joy to know that. Dad will get a kick out of knowing you are a subscriber. Keep me in your prayers, as I will you. God bless.

  18. You knocked this out of the park!!! I will be using several of these points with my students…what are they going to do, fire me! They can apply so much of this to their lives. Thanks for your well written words.

  19. Love everything about these posts. The insight God is giving you to write is so awesome in your expression of truth. The points you make are clearly stated and strong. The outlay of the paper is very easy to read. Keep on being inspired by the Holy Spirit to share with all of us.

  20. Sounds like my perception of John. One in a trillion. Curious, did he sing “froggie went a’courtin'”? That was one our aunt Helen always sang to us. I think it had about 6 verses!

  21. Right on! Your Mamaw was a pillar in the Church, although she never spoke out much. We all knew from her daily life and the things she did say or expressed in her own quiet way with a gesture, a small act of kindness or the manner of her daily life that her reliance was on Jesus Christ and that he was ever beside her. Among the many things she was and she did she brought an enduring sweetness to the lives of those around her. Wherever she was she made it home. Her table was always set, her beds always made, hospitality and love abode under her roof. Even if the armadillos were running beneath the house, their hard backs rumbling as they struck the floor joints and rain pattered on the tin roof, the comfort of a home filled with faith and kept by gentle hands was always there. When Sunday morning came you always knew where she was going to be: in Church praising her Lord and Saviour by her very presence. “Present your bodies a living sacrifice” and she did that by being PRESENT in the congregation. She taught more profound lessons by example than others attempt to do with a proliferation of words, which I suppose this will be if I don’t close with this line.

  22. I found your comments about a simple, small stone particularly interesting. As a child, when I was living on the corner of 11th street and Emporia in Muskogee, Oklahoma, I was playing in the tiny yard on the west side of the house one day. I happened to find a
    small stone and picked it up. My usual next move would have been to throw it at something; however, my mind was swept into another realm as I pondered this small, smooth stone.

    For some reason I considered whether I could make one. Make a stone like this one. I had a toy truck someone had manufactured, but I realized the manufacturer had used things that he COULD NOT make to make it. Like this stone, no one could MAKE the metal used to form the likeness of a 1935 Ford pickup truck. And I could NOT make a stone like that one, or a tree, or dirt or a cloud. I could only manipulate things that were already made.

    Man can make things, but he must begin with materials and objects that have ALREADY been made, and those testify of their MAKER. The small stone I slipped into my pocket testified of an Almighty God, its Maker. I had just received a message from the One who made that stone. I AM THAT I AM. I would eventually come to know that the stone witnessed of Christ, who said, “Before Abraham was I AM.”

    Indeed, I could not make that small stone, but God could and did. Jesus stood as a lamb slain before the foundation of the world. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    All nature testifies of Christ.

    1. What a wonderful testament, Dad. I would expect no less from you. Thank you for raising me in a home that loves God, and for faithfully taking us to church, and for desperately & passionately loving my mother.

  23. Mike and I were on Waikiki Beach when the tsunami hit in 2011. Not a drill nor a mistake. Leaving our hotel room with only our backpack in search of higher ground. We stepped off the elevator into the lobby of the beachside resort to find management announcing this was a tsunami safe hotel. Guests would be okay from the 8th floor and higher (along with other instructions). “Do not leave the hotel. You are safest here!” Having our own version of a natural disaster (tornado) I believed the local knew best. While listening to his directions, I noticed a young couple in their early 20’s watching him speak, struggling to comprehend. This Spanish speaking couple (from Brazil) was terrified and confused because the emergency announcements overhead at 10:30pm were in English and Japanese. I could see the pain and anguish on their faces. I recognized their christian faith by a necklace she was wearing. Approaching them I showed her my rosary, Her face lit up as if she had been reunited with her own family in safe arms! Our lives were instantly bonded! Mike in his best broken Spanish explained to them the situation, safety precautions, and because our room was on the 14th floor, we invited them to come hold vigil with us and pray together. Our Christian faith is universal, Catholic. Our prayers are the same in English and Spanish and so as we said the Rosary together, we alternated reciting…one decade in English and the next in Spanish. You know the rest of the story. No damage to Hawaii.. from terror to tranquility…only through Jesus! I’m loving your blog!

    1. What a wonderful example of faith, Kelly, and of how people act when the true love of Christ is in their heart. I feel so blessed you have come into my life. God bless you!

  24. So true. Last week my husband’s sister died. We had the “family meal” at the church following the services. My husband and I discussed how necessary that meal is in providing support and fellowship, of renewing love and bonding of his large family in the loss of one of us. This post was very timely in our lives. Thank you and God bless this wonderful ministry.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss, Pat. We will pray for you all. Thank you for the love and support of our ministry. God bless you.

  25. Unlike you, my daughter, living in Hawaii contacted me by text with a screen print of the alert she had just received. For over 20 minutes I was trying frantically to ascertain if this was real or false. Assuring her that she would be okay and that I loved her. I had to calm myself and many short prayers were vocally lifted between us. Thankful that this was a mistake. She had decided to make a plan with her housemates for any future disasters that might come up. Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story Shelly. I’m sure most people living there now have developed a plan after going through this. I just hope they have a plan for eternity as well. God bless!

  26. Ahh, dear Tricia – so refreshing, and a great guide to align (or realign) myself in my Christian life. Each step is so vital.. Blessings to you as you are to me!

  27. I wonder how many moms (maybe dads too) whose hectic days of jobs and children are in the past find that we are left with regrets and a wish for “overs”? . I know I do. I KNOW I could be a better mom if I was doing it today. I always try to remember that regardless of where the children are in Jesus now, we can tap the power of prayer for them, asking God to fill in where we failed, but I still agree that it would have been better to immerse them in Jesus when small. As always, your insights are so sharp and so well written and a
    lways a blessing – and a special one for me because I am so proud that you are my very talented first cousin once removed.

    1. Pat you are such a blessing and encouragement for me. It’s truly glorious to know we are related, not only in the flesh, but in the Spirit as well. God bless you!

  28. Tricia, I saw myself in what you said so clearly and have many of the same regrets, plus a whole lot more. I was not the mother I should have been. I lucked out though because my kids love me enough to forgive me, can only come from divine help.

  29. Such a great reminder friend! I know in my heart and feel it in my bones that God walks closely beside you at all times ready to do great things with your life…greater than Ancient World History, STUCCO, Mustang Academy etc!!! Your work is just beginning, those were the pre-reqs!

  30. Beautiful! What a great way to start a fun and rewarding, but STRESSFUL day. I woke up, feeling sore and panicked about what lies ahead today. I read this and felt Jesus’s arms around me. He will come to me, He will relax me, and he will remind me of how blessed I am and how glorious He is! Thank you friend for your beautiful writing and your reminders to put my priorities straight.

    My one regret, I wish I would have met your wonderful brother (and you mine). I’m just glad I get to hear the stories you have shared. Love you friend!

    1. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate all the support you give me. I look forward to meeting your brother one day. No doubt he had a few things in common with my own. It is such a blessing to me to know that something God lays on my heart to write brings comfort to you. Love you!

  31. I am praying for you daily Tricia, I love you so much. I have a deep feeling that this is leading to something too marvelous for us to comprehend, something that will happen on earth! You have a glow that is lighting up others around you…it’s kinda cool. Be patient, something great is going on and it gives me chills of wonder and happiness for you in this uncertain time. Joshua 1:9 “Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

    1. That’s a GOOD verse my friend! You know I love you too, and appreciate the continuous support you give me. I pray God generously blesses you!

  32. My sweet friend, I love and miss you so much. I am so overwhelmed by what God has done for you and your willingness to be so transparent. We need to connect soon.

    1. Miss you too! It is such a blessing that you support my work and me personally. I would love to get together soon, that’s a great idea. Love you and God bless.

    1. Oh Robin, how my mom loved your dad! Loved you all! I cherish the memories of our childhoods. We have both been through a lot, but that is all part of life. May God Bless you greatly and watch over you always.

  33. I know that during our most scary times when we feel alone what an amazing comfort it is to know that your best friend is standing next to you. I love the security of knowing I am never alone and I can talk to Jesus just like any other friend, in fact easier!!

  34. Tricia!…Did you know that these ending verses were the ones that my friend Jesus showed me shortly after breaking my leg (probably while laying on my living room in the wee hours of the morning hooked up to my Mr. Bendy machine)!!! I have shared them with many people. We know that we should “rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope does not disappoint!” How special that you too find great peace in this awesome promise. On a side note, I will never forget the IKEA story after you got back hahaha.

    1. I did not know that! Beautiful to see how God works in our lives and connects us with others. Never ceases to amaze me.

  35. This is totally delightful and so well written. So easy to visualize this entire scenario. Your biblical insight is easily understood. (I am John’s favorite cousin!)

  36. This awesome sister! U I u have been touched with the spiritual gift of writing his praise for all to read an ponder upon. Thankyou!

  37. I have known this strong woman for many years and I’m one of her very best friends. Yet I did not know about her singing to her mom in the hospital. I should have known. I am reminded that when my own mom was in the hospital she was comforted by a song that she heard at our church, Buffalo Creek Baptist Church. It was called A New Name In Glory. My daughter recorded that song and it was played at her funeral because my mom was so excited knowing her name was written down. We will always cherish that moment of song. oh how they bring comfort!

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