Jesus Lives!

Easter, or Resurrection Day – whichever you prefer – is upon us. The time when we celebrate our Risen Savior, remember what He did for us, and reflect on His sacrifice and what it means to the world.

These are things that most Christians think about on a regular basis, but this day set aside on our calendars is incredibly special to us. We gather together and celebrate on this day because of Jesus’ resurrection, without which, our faith would be in vain, 1 Corinthians 15:17. It IS our faith. The Truth that Jesus died for our sins, rose from the dead, is with the Father now in Heaven, and is coming back…this IS the very lifeblood of our faith. It empowers me, feeds my soul, lifts my spirit, and fuels my hope. It is my very essence. It is who I am.

This morning, I learned that, through presidential proclamation, the current president has declared Easter to be “Transgender Visibility Day” and banned all religious symbols from the art contests regularly held at the White House during this Christian holiday. The White House, did however, celebrate Ramadan. Now, you may be in shock having just read those two previous sentences. You may need to read them again. Take a moment to let that sink in. I know I did. I cried. My heart grew heavy. The sadness that I’ve lived to see such godlessness in my own country seemed too much to bear.

Then I remembered what has always been True…God is on the throne. He is God, and there are none His equal. He is the Creator of all things. The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. His plan will not be thwarted. He does not change. He is everywhere. He knows all things. He is God.

Many godless men have tried to usurp Him, tried to ignore Him, tried to pretend He doesn’t exist, tried to erase Him even. They have all failed. They always will.

Whoa unto the one who spits in the face of Jesus with such abominations!

It is not anger that I feel, but sadness. How blind are the wicked? How can they not see? How sad it is that they prefer a lie over the Truth. How very sad. Yet, I will not be mired down in my sadness! No I will not! I will speak the Truth and share the glory of God in love. JESUS IS RISEN! And He died for me, and for you, and for all mankind. He died so that we may not perish but be saved and have eternal life. GLORY HALLELUJAH! Praise God and thank Him! We pray earnestly for His return.

On that Resurrection morning
when all the dead in Christ shall rise
I’ll have a new body
Praise the Lord
I’ll have a new life

I’ll Have a New Body by Hank Williams

I grew up singing this song in church. I can hear it now. So glorious!

This country is full of Christians. Churches everywhere are preparing for Easter celebrations. Every individual saved by the blood of Jesus Christ throughout the world will rejoice. Despair not at the folly of man, be glad instead because they’ve told you who they are. Lift up your voice! Let it be heard throughout the world. JESUS LIVES! JESUS LIVES!

God is good.

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2 thoughts on “Jesus Lives!

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  1. Good after Easter morning… Easter Tide?, I woke and was brought to your insightful posts through a rabbitt hole search… I really enjoy your inspirational insights! Thank you and may you have blessings from beyond the blue horizon!

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