Just Do It!

If I worked all day, every day, for the rest of my life, it would never be enough.  I, in my imperfection, my sin, my absolute ‘humanness’ could never do enough.  No matter how pure my intentions, or how true my heart, I can never reach this pinnacle I thought I had to reach in order to be able to serve the Lord.  I can’t wait until I’ve finally reached this level of Nirvana, that does not exist, to serve God.  I have to serve Him now.

 I finally stopped saying to myself, wait until you have such-n-such degree, or what until you have so-n-so books published.  I realized that the little voice of doubt deep down inside comes from a wicked, wicked place.  That which tries to keep me from doing the Lord’s work is nothing but Satan.  There is no pinnacle I can reach to make me worthy of doing the Lord’s work.  There aren’t enough letters in the alphabet, including the Chinese alphabet, that I can throw behind my name to make me worthy to talk about the Lord.  I kept thinking that I, myself, right now, was just not good enough to really do the Lord’s work.  I literally had an epiphany that brought me straight up out of the bed and drove me to go straight to my laptop and start typing.  Here’s the truth:  if I worked all day, every day, for the rest of my life, it would never be enough to be worthy of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for me.  So what was I waiting for?  For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ. Galatians 1:10 

With a loud, clear voice I heard, “Get up right now and get to work.”  I immediately thought of what a blessing my pastor has been, my church, my husband, all the things God has blessed me with, and I realized I don’t deserve any of it.  Not one little bit, but He gave them to me anyway.  The very least I can do is serve Him.  God had been telling me to serve Him in a very specific way and I had been allowing the Devil to keep me from it.  Satan is so powerful and so cunning.  He had me all tied up.  I don’t have to be worthy.  Jesus is.  He is all I want to glorify anyway, not myself.   It’s not about me, it’s about Jesus.  Satan placed many doubts in my path.  They all amounted to, “You’re not good enough for anyone to listen to”.  No, I’m not, and I never will be, but Jesus is.

I pray, that if you are struggling with jumping into serving the Lord in a way you feel He has called you, that you will seek His great council.  Pray for guidance.  Ask others to pray for you.  Don’t let the Devil keep you from your calling.  He’s crafty and clever.  He is also a LIAR.  Listen to the Spirit that dwells within you.  Don’t you know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 1Corinthians 3:16  Have faith in the Lord and just DO IT!


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