Sewing Stitches and Sowing Seeds of God

I had my sigmoid colon removed after suffering with chronic diverticulitis in August of 2014.  The nine months prior had been filled with numerous trips to the emergency room, CT scans, antibiotics, painkillers, and a five-day hospital stay.  While my time in the hospital was about as lovely as it could be, it was my second hospital stay since I had been diagnosed with diverticulitis three years earlier.  I was tired of being sick and tired.   The sigmoidectomy had been done through a laparoscopic procedure and I was recovering quite nicely at home.  About eight days after the surgery, I began to notice some discomfort in my upper abdomen.  The pain became unbearable just after midnight on August 31st.  I had developed a blood clot in my portal vein.   Continue reading “Sewing Stitches and Sowing Seeds of God”

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