Wherever He Leads I’ll Go

Bring It On

More than 16 years ago now, I stood at my bathroom vanity on the phone and listened as my father explained to me how he didn’t think we were going to get much of a break between the death of my mother – whom we had buried only two weeks prior – and the death of my brother, Robin.  I struggle with writing this now almost as much as I struggled with comprehending the reality of the situation then.  My brother had been diagnosed with cancer about two years before.  He was five years older than me, and had been my hero growing up.  He was Superman.  He was adventurous, athletic, brave, beautiful, and I was pretty sure he could leap tall buildings in a single bound.  It was unthinkable that at just 38 years old he had already found his kryptonite, but it was unbearable to face the loss of both my mother and my brother at the same time. Continue reading “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go”

The Most Important Thing My Mother Ever Taught Me

Not every lesson my mother tried to teach me went the way she planned.  One such time happened when I was about 15 years old.  Mom called my little sister, Mary (who was 12 at the time), and I into the room and told us to sit down…she wanted to have a talk with us.  I remember vividly, my mind racing back and forth, wondering what in the world she wanted to talk to us about.  Had something happened?  Was someone sick?  What is going on?  It was a bit odd to say the least.   Continue reading “The Most Important Thing My Mother Ever Taught Me”

When It’s Just Jesus & You

Several years ago, I had a profound experience with a young lady who was a student of mine at the time.  I have known this girl since she was in kindergarten.  She is the same age as my youngest daughter, Autumn, and they have always been friends.  Her mother is also a dear friend of mine.  Through the years, I’ve watched her grow and face all the challenges that many young people face, including the loss of her father while still in elementary school.  Almost anyone looking at her from the outside would never know things in her life have ever been anything but rose petals and sunshine.  She was always cute and bubbly, and had a million dollar smile.  That just speaks to the power of her Faith, and is part of her testimony for the Lord. Continue reading “When It’s Just Jesus & You”

God’s Plan

Dear Lord,

Help me to have faith that You are in control of my life.  Help me to recognize Satan’s attempts to sabotage my faith.  Give me the strength to drive him out of my thoughts so my true focus can be on You.  Let me live to serve You, oh Lord!

In Jesus Precious Name,


Faith Is All I’ve Got

Let not your heart be troubled

Let faith carry the day

God’s grace is more than sufficient

Give all your cares away

Lessons learned the hard way

Senseless works for naught

When faith is all that’s needed

And faith is all I’ve got

Darryl Hanks

Thanks Be Unto The Lord

It’s Your breath in our lungs,

So we pour out our praise,

We pour out our praise.

Great Are You Lord!

These words from one of my favorite praise and worship songs pretty much sums up how I feel this Thanksgiving.  I fall on my knees in praise of the Lord, thanking Him for all He has blessed me with.  I will thank the Lord with all my heart; I will declare all Your wonderful works. Psalm 9:1  Many could look at my life and ask why would I thank Him.  That always makes me grin just a little because I realize they just don’t get it.  Then it makes me sad because I realize, they just don’t get it.  Whatever you have been dealt in life, you cannot forget that God is still on the throne, and everything is part of His great plan.  Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7   Continue reading “Thanks Be Unto The Lord”

Sing Unto The Lord

“I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live.” Psalm 104:33

Music has been a very important part of my life always.  It started with my mother’s lullabies, then my father’s folk songs, and then gospel music.   Continue reading “Sing Unto The Lord”

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