A Great Physician

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people, (Colossians 3:23).

I am hard pressed to find a better example on earth, during my lifetime, of someone living out this scripture more than my father. Continue reading “A Great Physician”

O Happy Day!

While pipes sing out

Amazing Grace

Carry me to my final

resting place

Let my people

with their own hand

Bury me in

the family land

Next to my grandparents,

my mother, my brother

Where we have been laid

one after the other

That is where

my body shall stay

Until the blessed

Judgment Day

But do not mourn

or linger there

At the grave

you mark with care

For I am not in it

and that is a fact

My spirit is steady,

salvation intact

I’ve gone on to Heaven

a place is prepared

To celebrate and worship

and wait for you there



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